Chile and its natural resources

Chile is a country rich in natural resources, but these resources are being destroyed and squandered.
On the one hand, Chile is an extensive and diverse country, it has sea, valleys and mountains, even deserts and salt flats. In this country, minerals, flora and fauna abound.
On the other hand, in this country, most of the resources are exploited indiscriminately by private companies, who are not responsible for the damage they cause.
Finally, it is very important that Chile begin to change this situation because natural resources are limited and the Chilean people deserve to enjoy them and take care of them, without exclusively economic ambition.


  1. I agree with you, and i consider important to reflect on the modes of production, consumption, and the economic system tha we help to sustain.

  2. Hi scarlette!. i think the same of this topic, actually we explote and export our resourses but we dont use them effectiveness, we need to change our develop model and be more aware, especially with the wather and the forest.

  3. I think you're right, in Chile private companies don't look after them resources, they think they are unlimited, but no, they will end, we have to do everything we can to take care of them.

  4. The envirometn is the most important thing at this moment


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