Personal opinions

What is your opinion about "vertical ghettos"?

I think the "vertical ghettos" are the way in which center of city or places near subway stations have been defaced by property speculators and a low-cost construction boom. I believe that these buildings represent a type of transgression to the right to dignified housing and a form to be benefited from the need of workers for living near of their work places, in a city of growth in extension like Santiago.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases?

I think that abortion has historically constituted a form of birth control on the part of women and I believe that, to the extent that women can decide on their bodies, abortion represents a way to conquer the territory of their bodies, I mean, traditionally the body of the woman has been a public territory in which any person or institution can decide, including her decision to be a mother or not. So, I think that abortion should be legalized in all cases.

What is your opinion about obstetric violence?

In relation to previous topic, the obstetric violence has constituted another form of violence against women and another form to say the bodies of women are public and not an autonomous territory. I think the obstetric violence is a way of moral imposition for alleged  original sin seems to be inscribed in sexuality of women, I mean, obstetric violence directed to the pleasure that a woman is always sinful and must never feel pleasure.

What is your opinion about tatoos?

I think tattoos represent an expression way through your own body and the ink. A way of expression of identity through modification of our first territory: body. So many civilizations have modified their bodies through tattoos or piercing or multiple ways, I think, these civilizations want to show something they own, a personal thing, and tattoos are an appropriation of body, so they’re a beautiful form to do it.


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